Visiting a church for the first time (or the first time in a long time) can seem a bit overwhelming. But don’t worry, it doesn’t need to be! Here’s a couple of ‘tidbits’ to help you out if you choose to visit with us!
Our main church service starts at 10:30 in the sanctuary. You’ll see folks wearing anything from jeans to suits –so don’t worry about what to wear. Our services normally start with some announcements and greetings. After that we pray and then begin singing. At Faith we enjoy singing both the great classic hymns as well as the deep modern songs of worship. Our songs are led by either the guitar or piano. We normally sing two songs, take the offering, and then two additional songs before the preaching. For the offering, that for us as a church family. We do have visitor cards which you are welcome to put into the offering plate for us to reach out to you. But it’s completely up to you if you want to do that.
Before the pastor begins to preach he dismisses the children in Kindergarten through 5th grade to ‘Worship Kidstyle.’ This is a children’s service designed to share the Word at a level they can better understand. The preaching part of our service is normally exegetical. That means the preacher will walk us through a single passage trying to help us understand what it means for us.
When the preaching is over we close with another song, and that’s it. Parents can go and pick their children from Worship Kidstyle. Or if you have any questions or want someone to pray with you, you can visit with the Pastor afterwards.
We hope this helps you out as you consider visiting with us! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.